A great commentary on a recent Donaldson Lab publication in eLife
/Congrats to Julie Sadino, Ph.D. whose paper is turning heads. Read a commentary on her recent publication here: https://elifesciences.org/articles/87550
Congrats to Julie Sadino, Ph.D. whose paper is turning heads. Read a commentary on her recent publication here: https://elifesciences.org/articles/87550
We are so proud of Dr. Lisa Hiura and her DP5: Early Independence award for "Functional Ontogeny of Pair Bonding Neural Circuits." For more information about the award and Lisa’s proposal, check out the NIH announcement here. We will miss you as a post-doc but are so happy to see you move just across the hall and start your own lab here at CU Boulder!
There is nothing more exciting than seeing your fearless leader earning tenure. Zoe goes above and beyond in her mentorship, is a passionate grant writer, and leads a high-caliber laboratory in two departments at CU Boulder. We are so proud of her and all her accomplishments. Congrats, Zoe!
Summer in Colorado is one of the many reasons why we all love this state. So what better way to celebrate the season than with a Lab outing to feed baby goats! Growing Gardens in Boulder hosted a wonderful event for us which included a tour of the garden, small history about the farm, and finished it off with an amazing time petting and feeding their baby goats.
You can watch her award talk by clicking on the photo below.
So proud of our two seniors who pursued Senior Theses in our lab. Kylia Ahuna has been awarded the Neuroscience Award, the top honor in the Neuroscience Major, and Emma Burt won the Jacob Van Ek award, the highest honor bestowed by the College of Arts & Sciences! Congrats to both of these amazing women!
Kylia Ahuna
Emma Burt
The one day a year that vole experts become the most sought-after scientists by the media!
View the clip but cutting and pasting the link below into your browser.
"Zoe Donaldson is the ultimate love expert. A neuroscientist at the University of Colorado Boulder, she works to untangle the mess of hormones and neural charges that shoot off in our brains when we fall in love and make long-lasting connections with someone. This wisdom helps her grasp love’s equally universal counterpart: dying of a broken heart."
Congrats to Conor Kelly and Kylia Ahuna on their selection as BSI Scholars. We're so excited to have you in the lab this year!
We would like to thank the Whitehall Foundation for their generous funding of our project entitled "Cellular neurobiology of social attachment." We are thrilled and grateful to have their support and looking forward to getting the project underway!
The Whitehall Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation exclusively dedicated to assisting basic science research in neurobiology.
We're missing Magda and Hannah! I've officially decided that photoshop is the way to go. We can never get everyone together at the same time!
Learning new skills...
So lucky to have such amazing people in my lab! Ready to conquer 2017!
Thanks Conor for assembling our brand new microtome! Those are some stylish gloves!
Congrats to Elliott Saslow, Caeli Best, and Conor Kelly who have been awarded undergaduate fellowships from the CU Boulder Undergraduate Research Opportuinities Program to work in the Donaldson Lab.
Lab trip for yoga at a brewery... I think so!
Congratulations to Donaldson Lab grad student Jayme Temple on being awarded a Society for Social Neuroscience Travel Award!
Zoe Donaldson, Ph.D. is the principle investigator of this laboratory. Dr. Donaldson and her lab have pioneered genetic techniques in prairie voles for the study of pair-bonding, behreavement, and depression.